Capital Cichlid Association
Pterophyllum (angelfish)
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These bylaws were adopted unanimously by the founding members on July 27, 2001.

  1. The official club name shall be the "Capital Cichlid Association" and also known as the CCA.

  2. The purpose of this Association shall be to foster and promote the keeping, breeding, and study of cichlids (Cichlidae); to share knowledge and experience; and to foster fellowship among its members, and any person interested in cichlids.

  3. Membership shall be open to all persons who share the stated purpose of the Association.

  4. Annual membership classes, dues, and voting rights shall be established and published by the Officers of the Association.  Member dues's may be waived at the discretion of the President.

  5. Periodic meetings shall be scheduled and announced by the Officers.

  6. The initial Officers of the Association were elected by the founding members on July 22, 2001.  The first election of officers by the general membership shall be held at the October 2002 meeting (or meeting closest to October 15, 2002).  Immediately upon completion of the first election, the new Officers shall assume office.  Subsequently, election of Officers will be held annually at the October meeting (or meeting closest to October 15).  New officers shall assume office immediately upon election.  Elections will be held for each office individually.   The nominee receiving the greatest number of votes for each office will be declared the winner.  In case of ties, a runoff election between the tied nominees will be held.  Voting will be public.  There are no restrictions on the number of consecutive terms served, however the person elected must be willing to devote the time and effort required (regular meeting attendance) to adequately conduct the business assigned to the office.  Only the offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by a single individual.  All Officers must be paid members in good standing.  The Officers and their responsibilities are:
    • President - Provides the leadership for the Association and ensures the Association's business is properly conducted.  Appoints committee chairs.
    • Vice-President - Assists President with executive duties and assumes Presidential duties in the absence of the President.
    • Secretary - Maintains communication channels and all non-financial records.
    • Treasurer - collects all funds due the Association, properly disburses funds for the Association, keeps an accurate record of all funds, and provides a brief financial report at each meeting.

  7. Only paid members may make or second a motion.  All motions must be seconded.  To vote, a member must be of an eligible voting class and in good standing.  Any proposed changes to the "By-Laws" will require advance publication and a one meeting wait period prior to a vote.  All voting will be public.  Methods of voting are:
    • At regularly held meetings.  Motions will carry by majority vote of eligible members present.
    • By mail.  Return postage for ballots will be provided.  A specific due date for postmark of returned ballots must be included with the ballot.  The due date may not be less than 2 weeks nor more than four weeks after mailing of the ballots.  The Secretary shall be responsible for mailing, receiving, and counting the ballots.  Motions will carry by majority vote of those voting.
    • By e-mail.  A specific due date for submission of votes must be included with motion.  The due date may not be less than 2 weeks nor more than four weeks after the motion is e-mailed to members.  The Secretary shall be responsible for e-mailing, receiving, and counting the votes.  Motions will carry by majority of the total eligible membership.

  8. Should the Association dissolve, all assets will be donated to the Guy Jordan fund of the American Cichlid Association.